Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Faceted TwistThe Krystian's Twist with flattened surfaces.
Fadi CubeA twisty puzzle cube that turns around its corners. It has five layers per throughgoing axes.
Fadi DodecahedronThe concept of Fadi Cube transferred to a dodecahedron.

Fairly FudgedThe sucsessor of Fairly Twisted. With the help of fudging one new type of move is made possible.
Fairly TwistedA twisty puzzle with seven turning faces designed to have no symmetry.
Fake Deluxe MechanismA high quality knock-off, designed to look like the tiled Rubik's Deluxe.

Fake TuttminxClaims to be a tuttminx but has 42 faces instead of 32.
Fall Apart CubeA puzzle specifically designed to fall apart.
Fancy StoneA Square-1 (more precise: star prism) transformed into a "Half Truncated Elongated hexagonal Dipyramid".

Fandim Ceskemu HokejiThis version advertises for a czech ice hockey club.
Fang-10An edge turning pentagonal dipyramid. A puzzle that allows only jumbling turns.
Fantastic GlobeIt looks like Equator but has a moving hole.

FantaziiaThe soviet versions of Rubiks Snake which were named ???????? or Fantasy.
Farmland GearA puzzle with intersecting circles. Compared with similar circles this puzzle has additional gears inside the big square-like pieces.
Farren Quadro27 cubies connected by magnets. Not intended to be a twistypuzzle but a creativity toy.

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